
Peela Hakeek, often referred to simply as “Peela,” is a striking and captivating gemstone known for its distinctive yellow coloration. Belonging to the family of chalcedony, Peela Hakeek is a variety of agate that exhibits a range of golden to mustard-yellow hues. Its name “Peela Hakeek” is derived from the Urdu and Hindi words “peela,” meaning yellow, and “hakeek,” referring to agate.

Peela Hakeek, often referred to simply as "Peela," is a striking and captivating gemstone known for its distinctive yellow coloration. Belonging to the family of chalcedony, Peela Hakeek is a variety of agate that exhibits a range of golden to mustard-yellow hues. Its name "Peela Hakeek" is derived from the Urdu and Hindi words "peela," meaning yellow, and "hakeek," referring to agate. The allure of Peela Hakeek lies not only in its vivid color but also in its perceived metaphysical and healing properties. It is believed to possess a strong connection to the solar plexus chakra, which is associated with personal power, self-confidence, and positivity. In alternative healing practices, Peela Hakeek is thought to promote clarity of thought, boost self-esteem, and dispel negativity, making it a sought-after gem for those seeking emotional balance and renewed energy. Peela Hakeek is often fashioned into various jewelry pieces, including rings, pendants, earrings, and bracelets. Its warm and radiant appearance makes it an eye-catching addition to any jewelry collection. The stone is typically cut into cabochon shapes to best showcase its unique color and patterns, which can range from solid yellow to banded and striped variations. As with many gemstones, the beauty and effectiveness of Peela Hakeek can be a matter of personal belief, and its significance may vary among different cultures and individuals. Whether appreciated for its aesthetic appeal or its perceived spiritual attributes, Peela Hakeek continues to captivate and inspire those who admire its golden charm.


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